Our Services

Reviewers / Speakers

WFST invites professors/scholars/engineers as a member of International Program Committee / Speakers / Review Committee Member of premium and world-class…

Vision & Mission

World Federation of Science & Technology will be essential to the global technical community and to technical professionals everywhere, and…

Event Grants

The Governing Body World Federation of Science & Technology in consultation with the Advisory Board and Strategic Team offers Financial…

Event Grants

The Governing Body World Federation of Science & Technology in consultation with the Advisory Board and Strategic Team offers Financial…

Research Grant

The World Federation of Science & Technology (WFST), an independent organization, is a unit of CSIR. The WFST provides support…

Travel Grants

The World Federation of Science & Technology offers Travel Grants upto 90% for the WFST Life Members for attending Research…

Membership Portal

The Membership controls are completely managed through a proper portal channel by US Team. The live portal of my WFST…


International Conference